Code of Conduct

March 13, 2021



The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide guidance on the standard of behaviours expected

as a member of the Cape York H.O.G. Inc Chapter, which includes:

  • behaving in a manner that reflects positively upon the Chapter, H.O.G, the Sponsoring Dealer and the public in general,
  • abiding by the Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters, and
  • adhering to all rules, regulations and guidelines as outlined in the references listed below.

The Cape York H.O.G. Chapter Inc exists for the purpose as outlined in reference A. Thesearestated as follows:

1. The purpose of the local Chapter shall be to promote responsible Harley-Davidson motorcycling activities for H.O.G. members by conducting Chapter activities and encouraging participation in other H.O.G. events.

2. Chapter activities and operations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with a family oriented, non-political philosophy.

3. Cape York H.O.G. Chapter Inc has both moral and legal obligation to provide a safe and friendly environment for members, guests and the public in general.


4. As part of the official membership to the Cape York H.O.G. Chapter Inc, all members, associates and guests are to strictly adhere to Cape York H.O.G. Chapter Inc Code of Conduct. Listed are some of the criteria which will breach the Code of Conduct but are not limited to:

  • failing to abide by the Annual Licence for H.O.G. Chapters (current year); (Ref A),
  • failing to adhere to any of the Chapter rules, regulations and guidelines; (Ref B, C, D),
  • failing to abide by the current QLD State Road Rules; (Ref E),
  • disobeying official instructions issued by the Director or Committee Members,
  • unsafe riding, dangerous practices, or participating in any activity deemed to bring discredit to other road users,
  • being under the influence an illegal/illicit drug or any legal drug which will hamper the rider’s ability to conduct safe riding,
  • the excessive consumption of alcohol,
  • unruly, disorderly or aggressive behaviour which includes bullying, verbal or physical abuse,
  • any form of discrimination or harassment which includes sexual, racial or religious bigotry,
  • undermining Chapter events or activities including coercive behaviour,
  • vexatious behaviour towards members visitors, guests or the pubic,
  • conduct that creates disharmony within the Chapter, and
  • bringing the Chapter, H.O.G. or the Sponsoring Dealer’s name into disrepute.


5. Cape York H.O.G. Chapter Inc will monitor and enforce the adherence by all members and associates to the Code of Conduct with a formal warning and disciplinary process as outlined below. This policy supports the Rules, Regulations and Guidelines as at the references listed.
Guest riders and visitors may be banned indefinitely from future activities. Warnings are as follows:

First offence will incur a formal verbal warning from the Chapter Director and Sponsoring Dealer. These warnings have a lifetime of one year, and are recorded by the Committee, Second offence will incur a formal written warning from the Chapter Director and Sponsoring Dealer. These warnings have a lifetime of one year, and are recorded by the Committee,

Any subsequent infringements will mean the Individual’s Chapter membership may be suspended or terminated immediately.

6. The Committee may, by resolution, expel a Member from the Association or suspend a Member from membership of the Association if, after considering a complaint and any submissions made in connection with a complaint, it is satisfied that the facts alleged in the complaint have been proved.

7. The Sponsoring Dealer may by notice in writing, supply reasons to the Secretary requesting that the Committee consider disciplining an Individual Member of the Association, if the Sponsoring Dealer determines that a member’s conduct is undesirable or contrary to the Sponsoring Dealer’s standards or vision.

8. A member may appeal to the Association in general meeting against a resolution of the Committee under Rule 15 and 16, of reference B within seven days after notice of the resolution is served on the member, by lodging with the Secretary a notice to that effect.


  1. Annual Licence for H.O.G. Chapters (current year)
  2. Rules of Association – Cape York H.O.G. Chapter
  3. Cape York H.O.G. Chapter – Ride Guidelines
  4. Cape York H.O.G. Chapter – Ride Rules
  5. QLD State Road Rulesi

Amended 02/03/21