Cape York HOG Suggestion Box

June 11, 2024

Welcome to our virtual suggestion box.

It’s your club, so you should get to have a say.
Please take the time to fill in the form.

Your name is needed so we know you are a member. But it will not be shared with the committee.
We encourage members to provide honest and constructive feedback on the club’s activities, events, and operations.

Things we will do with this information.
* Ensure confidentiality by not supplying members names or other personal information from the feedback form to any other members.
* Analyze the feedback and look for common themes or areas for improvement.
* Share the anonymized feedback with the club’s committee members to help guide future planning and decision-making.
* Communicate back to members how their feedback has been incorporated, the results and the actions being taken in response.

This survey will be open until the 30th July 2024.

Suggestion Box
Your Name or Nickname (Confidential will not be shared with the committee))
Your Name or Nickname (Confidential will not be shared with the committee))
Reasons You GO On A Ride (pick your top 3)
Reasons You DON’T Go On A Ride (pick your top 3)
How Do You Find Out About Up Coming Rides?
Do You Feel Welcome On Club Rides?
Should We Have More Overnight Rides?
Would You Be Interested In Social Activities Other Than Riding A Bike?
Are You Interested In The Club BBQ’s?
Are You Interested In CY HOG Participating In Community Events?
Are You Interested In Joining The Committee?
If So. What Position Are You Interested In
Do You Like Our “Green” Club Colour (Seen on our polo shirts)?
Do You Like Our “Hog On A Bike” Logo? (seen on some polo shirts etc)
Do You Read the “York Torque” Club Magazine?
Do You Think Ladies Of HOG Should Be More Active With Rides & Events?
Would You Travel To A State Or National HOG Rally In The Next Year?
Would You Attend a “Chapter Challenge” against Townsville and/or Mackay HOG Chapters In CAIRNS?
Would You Attend a “Chapter Challenge” in Townsville or Mackay?
Do You Know What A Chapter Challenge Is?
If Cape York HOG Held A Chapter Challenge Would You Volunteer To Help?
Do You Feel Harley Davidson Supports Our Club?
Do You Feel Harley Magic Supports Our Club?